Site Rules

Updated 22 September 2024

All members of the Society are bound by the City Council Agreement, and by our own Constitution and Site Rules. If these ever seem to be at odds with each other then the Council Agreement is the one that has to be followed.  

Allotment hours

Lister Drive allotments is open from dawn until dusk. Plot holders are not permitted by Liverpool City Council to be on site after dark without good cause. Any member found to have been on the site during the hours of darkness will have to explain why to the full committee. ​​If the reason is not accepted notice to quit may be given.  

Plot holders should make sure have plenty of time to lock up and leave the site safely.

Use of the office or meeting rooms can be permitted after dark with permission from a committee member.

Burning waste material and smoke

Allotment holders may burn wood and woody garden waste between 1st November and 15th March annually. 

You should ensure:

Any fire is well managed and supervised at all times. We strongly encourage members to use a steel bin. 

Fires are fully extinguished before leaving. 

Plot holders must not:

Light fires when it may cause a nuisance to our neighbours - for example when the wind is blowing towards the flats on New Road/Brainerd St

Burn any other material such as plastic, rubber, treated timber or toxic materials that may cause a health or pollution hazard.

Plots holders on plots 1 – 4, 18 – 21, 35 – 39, 53 – 57 cannot burn waste material on their plots. You should arrange to burn your waste material with another plot holder.

Care of your plot

Your Council Agreement makes it clear that your plot is for use only as an allotment garden. It is important that it is cultivated and does not become overgrown with weeds. 

This helps your neighbours and the next tenant who has it after you. You may ask others to help you, as long you are not sub-letting.

On an established plot, Liverpool City Council expects that around 75% of your plot should be used for cultivation.

Starting a tenancy (probationary period)

There will be a probationary period of twelve weeks at the start of a tenancy. The Committee will assess new tenants’ ability to cultivate the allotment. At any stage in that period the Committee may decide that the tenant is not suitable. If that happens the tenancy shall be ended with 14 days written notice. That notice shall include the reasons for the decision and details of any appeal process. 


Compost bins/bay should have a maximum height of 1.5m / 5ft and a maximum total cubic capacity (per plot) of 9m³ or 640 cubic feet. For example two bays of 1.5m high x 2.45m wide x 2.45m deep or of 5ft high x 8ft wide x 8ft deep.

The council tenancy agreement requires you to keep your compost covered.

Fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs and canes

Your Council Agreement sets the broad rules at clause 3(I).  At Lister Drive no fruit tree, ornamental tree or bush may be allowed to grow over 2.4m/8ft in height or to extend over any pathway or onto a neighbouring allotment.

You must keep all trees and shrubs well maintained to reduce the risk of disease and injury or damage caused by falling branches. Where a tree has exceeded the height restrictions you may be allowed to reduce the height at the next appropriate pruning season. You can find out how and when to prune trees or shrubs at (external website).


Plot inspections will take place to ensure plots are properly used and well kept. Where there are concerns, the committee will write to plot holders and set out areas for improvement or urgent work. 

Where a plot requires substantial work, plot holders may agree an improvement plan with the committee.

New members taking on overgrown plots are not expected to meet the full expectations but should instead focus on making improvements over time.

Plot inspections will take place no more than every 3 months, unless an improvement plan has been agreed with a plot holder, or a warning letter has been issued.

Opening hours

Lister Drive Allotments are opening from dawn until dusk.

Any member found to have been on the site during the hours of darkness will have to explain why to a meeting of the full Committee. ​​If the reason is not accepted notice to quit may be given.  

Use of the office or meeting rooms can be permitted after dark with permission from a committee member.

Parking and vehicles

The Council Agreement authorises Lister Drive Allotment Society to set parking restrictions at Section 3(w). 

See Parking and Vehicles for more information.


For everyone’s safety all pathways must be kept in good order, and clear of refuse, weeds and debris.

Members should attempt, when practicable, to keep their section of main pathway weed-free. All allotment holders must use the main paths to gain access to other parts of the site (e.g. for visits to other members) and must not use dividing pathways to gain quick access without the prior approval of the tenants of allotments either side.  

Site security and visitors

The Society shall provide access to the site via the gate key. The gates must be locked straight after each use​​​​. Any member who brings visitors known to them onto the site shall be responsible for their behaviour.

There is a £25 refundable deposit charge for each allotment key provided. Plot holders remain responsible for any key issued to an associate member linked to their plot.

Skips and removal of waste materials

Storing construction and waste material on site

No waste material or raw building materials may be stored on site for disposal, but must be removed immediately. You will be required to give good reason if you fail to comply. If you give no good reason the Society has the right to charge you for its removal.

Community Skips

Lister Drive allotments are occasionally provided with a community skip by Liverpool City Council. Priority may be given to clearing derelict or abandoned plots in order to make them available to new members. Plot holders may use the community skip to dispose of any waste on site except:

When a skip is full it must not be overfilled and any waste must returned to the member's plot. Overfilling skips may result in the society being charged for additional skip hire or Liverpool City Council withdrawing this service. Where we charged for an additional skip this will be added as a surcharge to the following year's society fee.  Any member found to be leaving waste outside of a community skip or their plot may have their tenancy terminated for fly tipping.

Private Skip Hire

Members may order and pay for a skip privately with the consent of the Committee.  Skips must be left in a safe location without the risk of damage to other plots and removed promptly. Other members must not place any items in a private skip without permission of the hirer.

Old Swan Recycling Centre

The nearest recycling centre is Old Swan Recycling Centre on Cheadle Avenue, L13 3AF just off Green Lane by the Arriva Bus Depot. 

Find your nearest recycling centre (external website)

Communal and site projects

It is expected that all members will assist in site projects designed to maintain or improve the overall viability of the site when requested to do so.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​     ​

Structures such sheds, greenhouses, polytunnels or ponds

Members must get written consent to build structures before starting. Getting permission first protects you from the Council later ordering you to take it down. This applies to sheds, greenhouses and polytunnels, as well as digging ponds. 

The Committee will consider the application, taking into account the society's structures policy and Liverpool City Council’s own guidance ( and any impact on neighbouring plots. 

Your application should set out the dimensions (height, width and depth) of any structure, the materials used. Where a structure is to be purchased for assembly this can be achieved by providing the details or assembly instructions. 

Water saving measures such as gutters and water storage must be included in your plans to minimise localised flooding and reduce mains water usage. 

Building a structure

Once you have got approval from the Committee you must keep to the plan, and your new structure must keep to City Council guidance.

Distance from pathways

New structures must not overhang, obstruct or be within 60cm (2ft) of any pathway.

Internal fires for heating or cooking

No structure shall contain an open and unguarded fire. Suitable purpose-built stoves, appliances etc. may be used subject to the above restriction

Trespassing on other plots

Section 3(v) of the Tenancy Agreement makes it very clear that members must not trespass on another plot or damage crops or property. The Committee will look into any such incidents and may require a member to answer any such accusations. This could lead to a tenancy being ended. 

Water and use of hose pipes

Water Saving

It is the duty of all members to avoid wasting water: it is expected that rainwater gutters draining into water butts are part of all structures and that stored water is used before mains water. 

Members must only connect hosepipes to the site's mains water supply to refill water butts during prolonged periods of dry weather. Any member found to be repeatedly using a hose pipe to directly water their plot may have their tenancy terminated.

Hose pipes may be connected to water butts, for example, when used as drip irrigation undercover, however, these systems must only be re-filled by rain water.

Hose pipes must:

You must not interfere with the main water supply network 

Mains water is one of the single highest costs shared by all plot holders through the society fee. Wasting water is therefore a serious matter and notice to quit may be given to members who break this rule.


To reduce water loss and damage caused by frozen pipes, mains water will be switched off from 1 November until 15 March each year. Mains water may also be disconnected after 15 March where pro-longed ground frost is expected.

Plot holders should make sure that all taps are set to ‘open’ (turned anti-clockwise/left).

Except in the event of exceptional weather, mains water will remain available from the toilet block, including the outdoor tap 

Extended periods of rainfall

During periods of extended rainfall, the committee may agree to switch-off mains water to the outdoor taps. This is to encourage plot holders to install rainfall collection and keep costs down for all plot holders.

Plot holders will be given 10-days’ notice before any switch off. Mains water will remain available where needed from the outdoor tap on the toilet block. In fairness to all plot holders, hoses must not be connected to this tap when mains water is disconnected.

Drinking Water

Outdoor taps are not suitable for drinking water. We recommend you bring bottled water – including refillable bottles - with you or ensure that water is sterilised.

Materials that cannot be used on site

Members are generally able to use any materials on their allotment plot as long it is temporary and can be removed, subject to the items listed below.

This list may be updated by the Committee where we are required by law, a contractual requirement, or where there is a clear health and safety risk to members, visitors or our neighbours.

Where stated, members may continue to use materials listed below if they were on their plot before the date of addition. It is the responsibility of members to demonstrate this.


Members must not bring any materials that are known or may contain asbestos. If you identify asbestos containing materials on your plot these should be secured or removed in line with the relevant health and safety guidance and legislation.


Carpets, rugs or similar products must not be used on allotment plots except inside a shed or similar dry covered structure not used for cultivation.

While allotment holders may continue to use carpets on site before 22 September 2024 as a temporary weed suppressant measure, they are encouraged to remove carpets at the earliest opportunity. Carpets must be kept in good condition and stored properly or plot holders may be instructed to dispose of them.